Compared to apples, petai has four times as much protein, carbohydrates, twice as much, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the amount of vitamins and other minerals. Petai is a good source of energy, which is 142 kcal per 100 g seeds. Petai contain three kinds of natural sugars, is sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. The combination can provide an instant energy boost, but long enough hand big enough effect.
Research shows, the two portions capable of petai provide enough energy to do heavy activity for 90minutes. Therefore, petai is a potential energy source to support various activities.
Phosphorus content in the petai is also quite good, which is 115 mg per 100 g seeds. Phosphorus is the second most after the mineral calcium. Approximately one percent of our body weight consists of phosphorus. DNA and RNA in the body made up of phosphorus in phosphates, as well as cell membrane permeability which helps Tues Most of the phosphorus absorbed by the body in the form of inorganic, especially in the up duodenum to 70 percent. In general, the amount of phosphorus recommended for consumption by adults is 800 mg per day, roughly equal to the calcium.
Petai also contains vitamin C which is quite high, namely 46 mg per 100 g seeds. Vitamin C is very important roles in the hydroxylation of praline amino acid lysine clan, a clan hydroxide prolinhidroksilisin. Both of these compounds is an important component of collagen. Care for such functions remain steady heavily influenced by the adequacy of vitamin C in the body. Its role is in the process of wound healing and immunity again satisfactions and stress. Average body needs vitamin C would be 75 mg per day in women and 90 mg per day in adult men.
Vitamin A is also quite good at petai, is 200 IU per100 g. Vitamin A plays always keep the cornea health. The normal eye usually produces mucus, which produced liquid milk fat mucosal epithelial cells, thus helping prevent infection. However, when vitamin A deficiency, epithelial cells will produce keratin, a protein that is insoluble in water and mucus. Research conducted by Windiest (2002) proved that petai consumption is beneficial to health. Besides the high nutritional value, petai also contains several chemical compounds, such as cyclic polysulphida and ThiozolineCarbocyclic-4-(TCA), which can be used for treat meant.
Do you often feel bad was the mood? That's a sign that you are malnourished. Mood controlled by the brain system. The ability of the brain affected by nutrient inputs are needed. Various nutrients must be supplied by balanced of foods and beverages that we consume daily. One of the roles of nutrients to improve mood is triptofan (an essential amino acid).
One survey showed that among patients with depression, many felt better after eating petai. It happened because petai contain trip to fan, an amino acid that the body converts into serotonin can. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that can give effect to calm (Calming effect). Stock will be making body to be relaxed, improved mood, and overall to make someone feel happier. This is caused by tirptofan ability to relax nerves in the brain.
Free radicals easily found in many food products, especially products that are fried or baked. Hydrogen peroxide; super oxide anion, and hydroxyl, are examples of free radicals. Molecules are extremely unstable, highly reactive and damaging. Free radicals would be helpless when faced with antioxidants.
From research bimolecular cellular level, it is evident that antioxidants can protect tissues dart negative effects radically independent. Antioxidants have formed in the cells of our bodies(intracellular), some are formed from other cells(extra cellular), one of which is the food. To help the inability of the antioxidant system of the body, some researchers have found compounds from plants alarm to act as an antioxidant. Apparently antioxidants from some types of vegetables and fruits can be relied upon to fight free radicals.
In the book of Medicinal Plants: Herbal Products for Quality Living Health (1999), written by S.Vimala et al., petai seeds have stated that the cleaning activity of super oxide (a free radical) is high, ie above 70 percent. Petai seeds are also known as liver disease drug (hepatitis), edema, inflammation of the kidney (nephritis), diabetes, anda bullet from the worm (antimonite). The leaves are used as drug-jaundice. Efficacy was allegedly related to the alkaloid content. In addition, vitamin A and vitamin C in the petai beans useful as antioxidants.
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